Home » USDA cuts are affecting central Virginia’s food banks and pantries

USDA cuts are affecting central Virginia’s food banks and pantries

USDA cuts are affecting central Virginia’s food banks and pantries

ALBEMARLE COUNTY, Va. (WVIR) – One of the big cuts in federal funding has made its way to dinner tables in central Virginia.
The USDA has eliminated a program that provided food banks and pantries with money to buy food produced within a 400-mile radius.
According to Jane Colony Mills, Executive Director of Loaves & Fishes in Albemarle County, the effects of this decision mean changes from farm to table.
“The tragedy is we’re not only undercutting people with not enough money to buy their own nice, fresh food, but also the people who are growing it,” Mills said.

ThankstotheLocalFoodPurchaseAssistanceCooperativeAgreement,Loaves&Fisheswaspreviouslyabletofillsomeoftheirshelveswithproduceandbeeffromnearbyfarms. “Alotofthefoodthatwegiveoutissecondhand,becausewe’regettingitfromthegrocerystoresafterthey’vepulleditfromtheirshelves,”Millssaid.“Thiswasfirstqualityfoodthatfederalfundingmadeitpossibleforustobuyfromlocalproducers.” Butnow,thosegrantshavebeencut,andLoavesandFishesisnolongerpurch